Saturday 26 January 2013

Mod Magic: The Problem with the Weasley's

Whether or not you think the Weasley's have "more children than they can afford", there are problems with such a large family! EA base game settings restrict you to only eight sims per household. If you would like all the Weasley's to live happily at The Burrow together (and really, who wouldn't?) then there are loopholes. However, these all require installing overriding mods, so if you are not happy with playing the game in this way please ignore the following advice....

For those of you still reading, I'd recommend using the NRAAS MasterController mod. This gives you several options for restoring family unity to the Weasley's lives.

  1. The most straight-forward method would be to allow all nine Weasley's to be in one household by turning on the "Allow More Than Eight Sims Per House" option under settings.
  2. Alternatively, you will also be able to edit any sim born in game with the MasterController base mod. This is much more useful than the EA testingcheatsenabled "edit sims in CAS" cheat, as you can replace the in-game sim with a pre-saved one from the Sim Bin.
  3. Finally, family relationships can be set up across several households. The ability to edit a sim's family links (e.g.: to add/remove a sibling) is available with the MasterController Cheats module. Using this you could choose to place Bill and Charlie in their own bachelor pads away from The Burrow, but make sure they are still connected to their parents and siblings.

"Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve"

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